Milling Services


12” Jointer & 20” Planer

I do offer services bringing rough stock into dimensional s4s lumber for anyone that don’t have the capabilities to do themselves.


CNC work

I also offer services with the CNC whether it be flattening slabs for a customer, or engraving anything custom into a piece for them.

*With the $75/hour rate there is also a one time $25 set up fee*

One of the most powerful tools I have in my shop is the 12” Laguna JX12 jointer, coming stock with a helical head. This jointer offers a full 12” in width bed which makes breaking down stock to a flat clean face and perfect 90 degree edge, is imperative for a successful start to a project.

Jointing with the Laguna JX12

Planing with the Laguna PX20

The Laguna PX20 is the newest version planer that Laguna has to offer, this machine is similar to the JX12, however the planers job it to bring the stock parallel on both face sides of the stock. Having a similar helical head and two rollers that apply constant downward pressure to ensure an even amount of stock is removed across the entire piece.

Slab Flattening/Engraving with the 5’x10’ CNC

With slabs and stock that is wider then 12” and want to flatten that one side in replace of the jointer, can be done on my CNC. This process is more tedious as it requires additional shimming, and maintaining a 3 flute 2” wide flattening bit (Amana RC-2255) with 3 carbide bits. The CNC along with being able to flatten massive pieces, it also has the capabilities to engrave even the finest miniscule details into pieces.